Kristin Patterson, PENPEX Chairperson

Kristin Patterson, PENPEX Chairperson

PENPEX 2024 will be Kristin Patterson’s nineteenth year as chair. She oversees the smooth running of the show and has done a terrific job. Kristin manages the coordination with the Redwood City Community Activities Building where the show has been held for 41 years. She coordinates the 15 dealers that the show is delighted to have. Starting in May of each year, Kristin writes the dealer contracts, mails them out, and collects the moneys.

While the next seven months keep her busy with lots of smaller tasks, Kristin can be found at the show on Friday for setup, helping to assemble the tables and place exhibits in their frames. During the show, she is busy making dealer lunches which PENPEX includes as part of the table fee. She then delivers the handmade sandwiches to the dealers and judges. On Sunday, she is a critical element in closing the 550 lot silent auction, as the software program she programmed allows PENPEX to enter all bids and quickly calculates each bidder’s totals and list of sold lots. This has allowed PENPEX bidders to pick up their winning lots within an hour and half of the auction close.

Craig Butterworth is serving his thirteenth year as PENPEX Vice-Chairman. Craig will oversee the show on one of the two days. He also helps with night security.

David Abrahams is PENPEX Secretary. David oversees the PENPEX raffle. He presents a knowledgeable and friendly face to all people entering the PENPEX Stamp Show.

Eduardo Martino is serving his sixteenth year as the PENPEX treasurer which is a year-round responsibility. Eduardo has been a crucial PENPEX member as the Setup and Takedown Chair. He has for the past 13 years managed the show setup on Friday and takedown on Sunday. His responsibilities include setting up of 120 tables, 60 exhibit frames, and hanging of the PENPEX sign. He will also be overseeing the show on one of the days.

Joe Coleman joined the PENPEX Board in 2022. He has taken over acquiring, listing, organizing, and laying out all of the PENPEX silent auction lots.  He can also be found helping with setup and takedown of the show.

John Corwin has taken over creating and printing the show program. He can also be found helping with setup and takedown of the show and assisting with the silent auction.

Jim Giacomazzi has been active with PENPEX for many years including past Secretary, snack bar food purchaser, and setup and takedown helper. He oversees show publicity and is doing a great job as people come from all over the Bay Area. He also oversees the Flea Market.


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