New Lifetime Members

Congratulations to the new Sequoia Stamp Club lifetime members: L To R Jim Giacomazzi, Kristin Patterson, Darlene Hickok, Ed Rodriguez

Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge

PENPEX for the last couple of years has been proud to host a workshop for the Boy Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge. It is a great way for scouts to be introduced to the hobby. The APS Website has an outline of the topics covered, which is pretty interesting to check...

February eBlast

Dear Sequoia members and friends: The vote on the changes to our by-laws is scheduled to be held at the regular Sequoia Stamp Club meeting on February 28. If passed, the new rules will bring about a major change in the manner in which our Governing Board members are...

President’s Message

President’s Message: Included with this edition of the Stamp Chatter, you will find a copy of the Sequoia Club by-laws with some proposed changes. These changes were recommended by the recently formed by-laws revision committee made up of Hank Shoolman (chair),...
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