Chris Palermo, one of several club members who attended the 2016 World Stamp Show in New York City, gave short illustrated talk on the show.


With this edition of Chatter we turn the year’s corner to autumn, holidays and winter. Often these are the year’s best weeks for collecting as colder weather draws us indoor to the hearth, table, and stamp den. Now is a good time
to think about what collecting milestone you’d like to reach before December ends. I hope to acquire one or two more US classics, from our silent auction, friends in the club or (last resort) a live auction, to complete an album page or two.

The club year continues to impress with a great start to the Larke consignment at live auction (thank you to the Larke family and our buyers!) thus far. Yours truly introduced the club to analytical philatelic techniques and we also had a video presentation on duck stamps and a terrific pizza party in San Carlos. In the coming weeks, we need your help with PENPEX, coming soon on Dec. 2-3. Please think about how you can donate your time (as a volunteer), talent (as a contributor of ideas) or treasure (as a consignor of auction lots). Please plan to attend the show, work a shift as a volunteer, or come as a buyer. Every contribution is valuable and helps ensure that dealers return year after year.

We also need your help as a club committee member, officer or program presenter. What part of your collection can you show and teach about? Any other ideas for programs? We are setting up the 2018 calendar now and need your contributions. At our next meeting, please share a stamp story! Our meetings are enriched by hearing of your acquisitions, show or auction experiences, and exhibit plans. Can we serve you better in some way? Please write me:

Christopher J. Palermo

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